Full Business Plan (25-30) pages in Length

Here are the standard headings that are required for a full business plan.

Our Company History & Status 

The company history and Status portion of your business plan will explain to your audience where your company currently stands, where it's going and how you intend on getting there. Your history and status may be based on your CEO or top shareholders personal profile or educational background, your current company's standpoint or your financial position.

Business Concepts

Your business Concepts will be based on what your company does, and why it doesn't. What sets your company aside from the rest? What makes your business unique? These are things that need to be considered when deciding how to build the business concept portion of your business plan.

Goals and Objectives

Your goals can be classified in two categories. The first one will be considered your first term list of goals, and the second will be your long-term set of goals that you hope to reach. Your short term list of goals will include developing your company, and finding methods to create sustainability. You can also involve obtaining the resources you need to begin or refine operational procedures.

Executive Summary

There are several headings to your executive summary that need to be followed and written down for future use. Think about each one and do some brainstorming. We can decide which direction your executive summary is going, and this will be based on your company's requirements and the type of industry you're working in.

Vision Statement 

Mission Statement 

Value Statement 

About Us

Marketing Strategies

There are many different types of avenues to consider when you want to build your marketing plan. In today's technologically advanced marketplace, social media and your online presence is definitely one of the major tools that are being used. Let's work together and determine what your new marketing strategy is going to look like. Regardless of whether or not you're implementing your full marketing plan now, having one in mind that is going to suit your needs and is something that you can manage should be recorded in your business plan.

Market Analysis

The market analysis portion of your business plan will take a look at the other types of companies that are in the area, or similar types of businesses. Find out what they do to reach their audience, how long they have been in business and if there are any gaps that your company is able to fill. It also gives you more perspective at any potential your company may have in the area.

Psychographic Profile

Your clients or customers are going to have specific types of psychological traits. Research on the psychological profile of the type of client that you were going to need to run business correctly will help make better decisions with your marketing strategy.

Demographic Profile

Whether they are from the ages of 18 to 40, 40 to 60, male or female, married or unmarried and even sometimes how much they earn all come into effect when building a demographic profile. This will help you target your marketing plan towards the segment of the population you are trying to reach.

Competition Analysis 

The competition analysis takes the company's or businesses that are similar to yours, that may be in direct competition with your company. The competition analysis portion highlights what each one of your competitors does to Market their company, their audience, and their online presence.

S.W.O.T (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)

Analyze your company strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and any potential external or internal threats.


List your educational background, the strength of your managerial team or employees, and the positive aspects of your business or idea.


Is there anything that needs to be addressed before you begin operation? Are you currently in operation and noticing that there are things that you would like to change to make your business that much better? Listing your weaknesses in your business plan will help you overcome them.


A business opportunity may be something that your company can take advantage of to maximize profit or gain more market penetration. Grants, loans and volunteer opportunities are some options that may be considered.


A threat will be different to each type of business or industry. Depending on how each company operates, the internal and external threats will differentiate. Analyzing your company will determine what your potential threats are.

Marketing Plan

This portion of your business plan will list what the marketing plan is going to look like. It may use some examples like letterhead, photographs or other types of images.

Strategic Implementation

This portion of the business plan may involve creating a chart or graph to demonstrate how the marketing strategy is going to be successful.

Product or Service 

This is a section that discusses what type of product or service that you're going to be selling or producing. A few pictures, or an example of a stock image will give your readers and idea of what you are selling them.

Product or Service 

This is a section that discusses what type of product or service that you're going to be selling or producing. A few pictures, or an example of a stock image will give your readers and idea of what you are selling them.

Requirements (Production)

What are your product requirements? Do you require equipment? Machines? Is your product going to be made by hand or in a factory? Building a detailed list of your product requirements will determine your monthly inventory and help when deciding what your initial startup costs are going to be.

Inventory List

List your available inventory, or what stock items are going to be once they are purchased. This can be updated as your company progresses, or you purchase or create more products.

Licensing and Procedures

Determining the correct licenses that are required to legally operate in your company and region. This will be integrated into the research strategy, and in some cases will require an application process. These can be worked out together after our initial consultation process.

Backup Strategy

Plan for the future. Determining what your backup strategy might be in case there are any issues that occur during your company's beginning stages. This is also going to be necessary when performing any types of upgrades or additions. Being able to back yourself up is important, and we will figure out the best methods of doing so together. 

Financial Information

The financial information section is important. This is where you are going to explain how much your company requires to begin or expand their current operation.

Current Financial Status

The financial status segment itemizes your current position from a monetary standpoint. How much money do you have on hand? How much money do you owe? Do you have any loans or grants that are going to be coming in? What percentage do your investors have in your company? All of these need to be taken into account and detailed accordingly.

Accounts Payable and Receivable

Do you have any payable accounts? Do anyone or any companies currently have any outstanding debts they owe your business?

Startup Costs

What are your startup costs going to be? Your startup costs will be determined by understanding the materials, tools, time and manpower that is necessary for building your business, and expanding an existing company.


Your budget may be determined by researching how much it is going to cost to run your company, or by documenting how much you're already spending. Managing your budget will help you build your company's savings account, and help you make better spending decisions.


This section will formulate an accurate dictation of how much your company spends on a monthly basis. This may differentiate based on which month is in question, and a mathematical algorithm can be used to determine which month is going to be higher than others and why.


Your annual expenses will take into account all of the debits and credits your company goes through each year. It will also take into account any fluctuations that are documented from the current monthly statement.

Current Gross

This section will demonstrate what your current gross income or potential current growth income is going to be.


The income section will demonstrate what your current income is, or what it is going to be after any expenditures.

Cost Control

Finding ways to manage cost control will help maximize profit, build savings, expand your company and find ways to innovate. Managing cost control can be done by understanding your product or service's value, and coinciding it with standard labor rates and your competition's pricing structure.

Financial Projections

The financial projections can be determined by deleting over your documented past sales reports, or researching other companies in the region who have published their information on reputable databases such as statisticscanada.ca

Sales Forecast 

The sales forecast can be based on predictions, or your past sales reports. Determining your sales forecast will also be based on the current reported statistical data from reputable sources. Similar to your revenue statement, your sales forecast can be broken down into monthly, and annual segments to express your earning potential.

Growth Rate Percentage 

The growth rate percentage of your company will be determined by understanding how much your company is earning, versus how much it is spending and then weighing it against the other and how much they are able to contribute themselves. You'll be able to produce a percentage rate value. 

Organizational Structure  

The organizational structure of your company will list its team members. It may also be a sole proprietorship, which should also be explained in this section. It can be a chart, graph, list or pyramid table.

“A Day in the Office”

Building a list of requirements that is necessary for your company to operate successfully and in a smooth fashion. The day in the office will itemize what needs to be accomplished, who is going to manage those duties, how long it should take and how often. It discusses what your daily operations are, and how you run your company.

Managerial Hierarchy

Depending on the size of your business, you may require a managerial hierarchy chart to express which person is in charge of which portion of the company.


Whether you are managing a sole proprietorship, joint operation, or a non-profit organization. This portion will document the owner of the business is, or is going to be.

Key Labour Personal 

In order for your company to run successfully, you are going to need to have staff members and or employees. If you are running a sole proprietorship, then you are going to be the key labor personnel. Otherwise, a list of all of the most important members of your team is important to understand why you need these team members, and if you're going to need to expand in the future.

Forecasted Labour Force

Depending on the type of Industry you're working in, you may require more team members or employees as your company grows, or during specific times periods.

Corporate Structure 

What is your corporate structure going to look like? Who was in charge of what, and what type of positions are you going to be offering your potential staff. Understanding the structure of your company will help delegate the financial aspects, and provide insight towards who to hire and when.


The conclusion section will be the grand finale to your business plan. It will provide links to your presentation, your entire marketing package, links to your social media campaign, your photographs, or photographs of your product, your main objectives and your current overall graphic design scheme. It is very important to include a reference section, and demonstrate to your audience or reader where the data has come from to prove its relevance.






-Business Cards



-Key Contracts 

-Future Prospects 

-Final Statement 

