1.What is (COMPANY NAME)?
2.Our Company History & Status
3.Business Concepts
4.Goals and Objectives
5. Executive Summary
a. Our Vision
b. Our Mission
c. Corporate Values
6. About Us
7. Marketing Strategies
8. Market Analysis
9. S.W.O.T (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
10. Marketing Plan
a. Strategic Implementation
b. Demographics
c. Psychographics
11. Competition Analysis
12. Product or Service
13. Research Strategy
14. Requirements (Production)
15. Inventory List
16. Licensing and Procedures
17. Backup Strategy
18. Financial Information
a. Current Financial Status
b. Accounts Payable and Receivable
c. Startup Costs
19. Budget
a. Monthly
b. Annually
c. Current Gross Income
i. Monthly
ii. Annually
20. Cost Control
21. Financial Projections
a. Sales Forecast
b. Monthly
c. Annually
d. Growth Rate Percentage
22. Organizational Structure
23. “A Day in the Office”
24. Managerial Hierarchy
a. Ownership
25. Key Labour Personal
a. Forecasted Labour Force
b. Corporate Structure
26. Conclusion
a. Photographs
b. Objectives
d. Advertisements
i. Brochure
ii. Business Cards
iii. Flyer
iv. Logo
v. Key Contracts
vi. Future Prospects
vii. Final Statement
27. References
28. Appendices