Framework & Methodology

Influences of Domestic Violence and Abuse on Teenagers, Children and Developing Youth
Framework & Methodology · 30. July 2024
Domestic abuse is an attempt by an individual in any relationship to fully govern and control their partner, making them remain under their control. An abuser’s tools to wear you down are shame, fear, guilt and sometimes even your bad past events. Anyone can be a victim of domestic violence and abuse and even though women are more often the victims, men also experience the same verbally and emotionally. Children and teenagers also get to be victims as they are affected indirectly.
Does Social Media Contribute to Low Self-Esteem?
Framework & Methodology · 29. April 2024
Social media is a growing method of communication that is used by political figures, celebrities, business, entrepreneurs and private individuals. It bases the relevant content shared on the current user's past online activity. The concepts of social media rose in the mid to late 90’s around the same time the internet was made available to the general public. It began with chat rooms that allowed individual users to create accounts based on their personal data.

Leadership Framework: Becoming a Better Leader
Framework & Methodology · 25. March 2024
Leadership has many different types and formats that are coherent with the atmosphere they are being used in. This can also be associated with the education level, and or age/maturity of those under your leadership. Your own particular leadership style will depend on your level of training, the industry you are working in and the type of staff or students you are responsible for managing or attending to. Cultural aspects may also play a part in deciding what leadership type to implement.
Political Casual Theory: Cause and Effect in the Political Environment
Framework & Methodology · 24. March 2024
Casual relations will determine which mitigating factors affect an idea, and the underlying causes that bring this to light. How political themes and ideology are viewed should ultimately be looked at from an arbitrary perspective. What instances, or actions have caused the corresponding elements to take place can be structured by itemizing the internal, and external cause and effect relationships?

Ethical Issues: Workplace Harassment and Discrimination as Well as the Misuse of Authority by Superiors
Framework & Methodology · 01. October 2023
Discrimination and harassment can be reduced by creating a safe workplace for everyone by applying these rules into action. "Ethics of Care" would assess this situation because it implies that an issue should be resolved while building a professional business relationship . This issue will be handled based on whether the outcome will provide more pleasure or less suffering and whether the pleasure will have a positive or negative outcome for the workers/employees.
Employment Ethics: Mandatory Education Requirements in a Changing Work Environment
Framework & Methodology · 19. January 2023
If education is mandatory for a specific place of employment, then education should be assigned to those who are currently working at that place of employment.