Science and Technology

What is an Eclipse?
Science and Technology · 08. April 2024
An eclipse is a celestial event that occurs when one celestial body passes through the field of view of another. When 2 Celestial bodies pass across another one, it obscures the view point and can create various types of brilliant effects. In order for an eclipse to happen, the prospect of what is known as syzygy has to come into effect. This is when three celestial bodies themselves are in alignment.
Android Program Scale Back: The Changes the Software Protocols on the Android Platform
Science and Technology · 18. January 2023
In 2013, Google also removed all the data sizes of all the applications they provide, making it impossible to know how big the file is until you have decided to download or purchase that particular app and begin the installation processes. This makes the user think less about how much available space is left on their device. In doing this, the application size has also increased greatly, as time progresses the size will inevitably grow.