Psytext News

Welland, Ontario, Canada and The Homeless Crisis: The Social and Financial Impact in a New Environment
Psytext News · 25. August 2024
The homeless issues in Welland, Ontario is similar to that all the major cities in this province and beyond. There are several mitigating factors that attribute to this issue, but the major causes are narcotic abuse, which is coupled to the overall social acceptance of a growing concern.
Fort Erie, Ontario Snow Storm, December 2022: Worst Black Out In Canadian History
Psytext News · 31. December 2022
It seems almost too convenient that the power outage during the holidays took place right before Christmas eve. With no power, heat or way to leave a location that is slowly deteriorating, you slowly come to realize that this is going to be how you are spending Christmas. Fighting for your own survival.

Legal Mandate Differentials: The Humane Society is Not that Humane
Psytext News · 30. December 2022
5551 Valley Way Niagara Falls Ontario is a long residence that houses multiple individuals suffering from mental illness and other forms of psychological conditions. Some of these involve extreme drug addiction, and or other forms of psychosis. The building itself has been responsible for housing some of the city's most deplorable criminals, addicts and other forms of underworld characters.