"The Manhattan Project": The Positive and Negative Implications of Atomic Energy


Matthew Warner

Published by: Psytext


Technological advancements have proven to be both detrimental to the development of human existence, and a positive attribute to their progression.


Highlighting the fundamental aspects related to the creation, scientific understanding, research methods, practice, engineering and practical implementations of what is considered some of the most influential technological advancements we have discovered as a species. We are going to research the development of nuclear weapons, and divulge into the methodology behind the use of splitting the atom as a weapon. We are going to relate that to molecular biology and biotechnology. This is because both of the scientific elements are very different but somehow similar in nature. They both focus on very small particles that make a tremendous change on a larger scale. 

The original development of nuclear arms took place in the United states. What will go down in history as the "The Manhattan Project", was the epicenter of nuclear scientific development. The Manhattan Project (1941) paved the way for the understanding and implementation of the elements associated with nuclear weapons.

There are different types of nuclear bombs, and they are all based on logistics and the nuclear materials that they are in its creation. Materials such as plutonium and hydrogen are used because they will create the most powerful impact, and radioactive distribution. 

        Nuclear weapons are some of the most powerful explosive devices that humans have at their disposal. A nuclear bomb is a tactical military device that involves the usage of massive amounts of energy that split various types of atoms causing a secondary effect that releases a very, very large explosion. The atomic level is one stage up from the molecular level, and splitting an atom in is extremely difficult, time-consuming, and requires a very high level of scientific knowledge. Nuclear weapons also require a vast amount of testing and the residual radiation effect damages the plants, animals, waterways and ground around the blast radius. 

     The ability to test and measure these detrimental aspects is crucial for the development of nuclear technology. Whether it be a nuclear weapon, or a nuclear reactor, radiation needs to be understood and controlled. The country of the United States of America has been one of the major contributors to the nuclear development of weaponry and was known as the military industrial complex. In 1961, the current active president Eisenhower was responsible for the delegation revolving around the creation, scientific research  and usage of nuclear technology as a weapon. This is not to mention the advancements that were also green lighted based on the fact that nuclear energy can produce results that are not only isolated to warfare, and or other forms of destruction. (Watson, ,2005) 

          Subsequently, the environmental scientists that are involved with the monitoring of residual radiation and radioactivity only had one opportunity to study its effects before nuclear weapons were used in a combat situation. There was only one test done in the desert of New Mexico, before two of Japan's major cities struck with the same force. In relation to environmental science, the pesticide known as DDT was scrutinised post world war II for its residual effects on the active environment. This phenomenon is known as a delicate balance of nature. (Watson, 2005) Nuclear bombs can be situated inside missiles, bombs, torpedoes and sometimes even suitcases! They are also used in different sizes based on necessity. But the important thing to consider is the negative environmental impact that the usage, testing and experimentation of nuclear technology has. (Young, 2005). The social and political implementations of having the ability to use weapons of mass destruction are one of the main reasons they have been created to begin with. But monitoring what it does in the environment has to be done in order to maintain peace itself.

Molecular biology emerged in the 1930s. The concept involves the study, 

implementation and practice of understanding the building blocks of what make up biological life and why. Super conductors and MRI machines are some basic examples of the positive ways radiation is used  for medical advancements. Providing safe and efficient scans of the interior of the human body from various angles, using imagery to display potential problems, and the progression or decline of illness. These machines have been around since the 1950s, and today we can find some of the older models on display at some of Canada's medical museums, schools and educational institutes. The preservation of older MRI models is similar to preserving other forms of information including computer data, hieroglyphics, music and artwork. Without the original models available, future generations will not have the ability to learn how they function, the original methodology and any flaws that they can build upon to make it more efficient. (Patalony, 2011)  It has been established since the 1930s, and possibly beyond that there is a clear impact on the environment from the use of industrialization, and scientific development.        

             The understanding of the effects we have on the environment is crucial to our ability to still exist in the same environment. Without this knowledge, accidents can happen, environmental damage can take a crucial effect on the biosphere, and we can face extinction or other forms of large-scale detriment without even realizing it is going to take place. But this knowledge in itself, stifles human morality by alleging the general public to our own  behavior. We are able to destroy ourselves, the environment, and cause instrumental damage to the planet either intentionally, or accidentally. This is the importance of studying the effects of nuclear physics, and other forms of potentially dangerous technology and technological advancements. The nuclear power industry from its medical aesthetic applications, to its militaristic applications, has been an offset derivative of the cold war scientific advancements based on Military directives, social and political influence, public influence, available resources and the drive to excel. 

          In conclusion, the important part of scientific development whether it be nuclear, medical, or mathematical needs to be recorded in a correct fashion. The preservation of textual data, information, dialogues, and the resolve that has transpired from different endeavors needs to be a part of future development. Without this knowledge, there's nothing to compound upon. This is also related to our communication networks, and how we share information. Sherry information and sharing it correctly is important, so we can build upon the same dialogue. Radiation and nuclear science is one of the most involved, and difficult studies to practice and protect its authenticity is The crucible of its current and textual development. If you did not have people who understood this basic concept, and took steps to make sure that it was maintained, you would not have the safety systems, medical technology, and availability of resources that we do today. The necessity for understanding the balance between our own impact on nature, and how nature actually impacts us is crucial in order for human beings to be able to use the same environment. Understanding our own biosphere is something that is innate to humans, and should be taken with a great seriousness and respect. (Carson, 1987)


          David Patalony, (2011) "Biography of an Artefact: The Theatron Junior and Canada's Atomic Age" published by: "Erudit"


          David Pantanoly, (2011) "The cost of living, tracing the supply chain of superconductors and MRI machines." Published by, CMAJ


         Christian Young, (2005) "Environment and Science: Social Impact on Interaction" published by ABC, CLIO


         Bruce Watson, (2009), "Bomb and The Genome chapter 19" published by "Science and Industrial Civilization " 


         Rachel Carson, (1962) "Silent Spring: Twenty first Annual Edition", published by "ebooks"