The Bat Analogy

If a Chinese man eats a rotten bat 15 million people die.  

If a Chinese man eats a rotten bat, all of the world leaders who are apparently supposed to be at each other's throats decide to get along for 4 years while they decide how they're going to deal with their new cold virus.

If a Chinese man eats a rotten bat halfway across the world, that means I cannot purchase socks. This is the exact analogy of the covid-19 pandemic.

The butterfly effect has two separate meanings. The first one describes a butterfly flapping its wings in the Sahara desert, that causes a tsunami across the Pacific ocean. A small change in the environment, or differential makes very large or sometimes devastating changes in the long run. The second one is based on causality. If you technically were to disrupt the life cycle of a butterfly by stepping on it in a theoretical time travel scenario then you would disrupt this form of reality by causing insurmountable changes by killing that butterfly.