Political Causal Theory: The Cause and Effect on the Social Environment


Matthew Warner

Published by: Psytext


          There are two different factors that can be directly associated with our current population growth. Social cohesion is the term used to express the necessity for involving more citizens in our country. It relates directly to the methodology used to coax newcomers to making the choice to enter the country to begin with. Stability, safety and interacting with like-minded individuals is only the beginning of what creates different forms of social cohesion. The second element attached to my hypothesis is that of social integration. There are different types of tools used to aid with this transition. Education is the primary method, and providing consultation sessions with people who may need extra support are easily accessible.  There are many different ways to access education while you are a permanent Canadian resident. This means that you can learn, live and work in a safe and productive environment that also has many of your fellow countrymen available for your personal and social support. With over 8 million permanent residents living in Canada alone, the country is now experiencing one of the highest immigration population growths on the planet.

Casual theory can be antiquated to “cause and effect”. In terms of political idealism, there will be many different themes that need to be considered before creating an accurate, detailed account.


These include: social thought and idea, financial resources, location and legal mandates. There are many different things to consider from a scientific perspective that will alter the path of causal theory. This is not only isolated to the political environment, but for the physical, emotional and psychological building blocks of society itself. The dependent variable we are focusing on is that of immigration. There are many different reasons why those who choose to leave their home do so. Some of them can be positive, but in some cases they are based on need. There are many different instances of large-scale immigrants that have taken place over time, and the word diaspora is used to express the dispersion or spread of a specific type of person or ethnicity throughout other parts of the globe.

The study of understanding immigration in relation to the casual political theory hypothesis will help determine where the resources will be delegated towards managing a booming population. It will also help provide insight towards smaller companies, private organizations and students for ways to navigate through  and make the most out of their new transitional state. Studying the cause and effect values will ultimately determine where they are coming from, and essentially create a form that can be relied on, and refined over time. My theory, and hypothesis is based on the required social idealism that is necessary for immigration to take place in a positive fashion. I have used readings, and statistical information that has been acquired from scholarly articles and statistics Canada (www.statcan.gc.ca). They have also been highlighted with reference points in the body of this document.

Casual Theories: Social Inclusion and Cohesion

          North America is undergoing a very large economic growth . This is partially due to the influx of immigrants and foreign nationals who are becoming permanent residents to the 2 corresponding nations (Canada and the US). This provides a secondary labor force, along with bolstering academic facilities, and providing more income for the housing development industries. Immigration has provided our country specifically with access to more citizens who are able to provide the necessary support to continue thriving. Many of the new citizens are skilled laborers and trained technicians with a valid educational certificate or diploma. The initiatives that have been placed in terms of education and finances have made Canada the home to many different types of newcomers.

In 2022, there were over 500,000 immigrants that relocated to our country. What type of prospects does this provide? There are many. Social inclusion is a strong narrative that implements all of the financial faucets that contribute to the growth and stability of society. This is one of the most crucial and fundamental components of the future stage and prosperous growth of a country. Understanding the key need for more active citizens, or taking into account the available resources that are not being utilized. The social cohesive factor will ultimately reflect how many individuals are focused on a common goal. 

         Having more people who are ready and willing to place energy into a specific point, will just date more than if there were less individuals who had the same attitude (Kard, Hepburn, pg.6: 20xx). Bridging gaps, forming organizations, and developing a basic level of understanding. Implementing all of these measures is something that needs to be considered before pursuing any form of immigration or massive immigration procedures. (Kard, Hepburn, pg. 10 20xx).

Financial Changes: Reverse Causality 

          Socioeconomic changes can be controlled by government officials in times of need and distress. This means using problem  solving and finding methods of working together on a global scale. During the recent covid-19 pandemic, there were many instances that required similar activities to take place to stop the spread of disease. Understanding that working together will ultimately provide a safe and clean environment, is something that is also used when determining different types of population growth patterns (Springer, 2018). 

          One of the negative impacts of large-scale immigration is the influx of new citizens that are going to require homes. There is also a large strain on the transportation industry, along with the educational sector. This is because there are no set limitations involved with the amount of available housing that is required for a growing population. They may not be adequately equipped to provide the necessary accommodations. This intern will cause the cost of housing to skyrocket, similar to how it has in the United States. As the cost of housing grows, different emotional changes will affect one's ability to enjoy life overall. Lack of space, and the ability to manage basic expenses will make living in this environment difficult not only for the newcomers, or immigrants but the active citizens. 

          The housing market is in a state of what is considered an emergency, and the housing market is currently in a crisis situation. Another negative impact, or reverse causation would be that of the educational facilities that are accommodating new immigrants to the country. The reverse causality causes more financial strain on the systems that implement educational proceedings because of the language barrier. Intern, the price of simply enrolling for school begins to grow. This means in some cases, a simple application fee can run upwards of $10,000. Though this provides a lucrative source of income for the educational departments, it also places a lot of responsibility on new students who want to get an education. It also forces them into careers they may not be suited for, or interested in, which will affect their overall level of morale. 

          Marginalization also comes with being a visible minority, and also impacts their ability to keep and maintain their source of an income (Inclusion for All, 2023).


X Independent Variable —>


Y Dependent Variable 

Ensuring that there are enough resources to  build a positive future.


Z Confounding Variable —>

Financial stability

Understanding the positive and negative casualties of any independent variable can express the value of how one deems their own livelihood. If there are certain types of levels of education required to live in a certain fashion, then caring out those steps is all to something that needs to be conditioned. 

Living, transportation and work are also relative to opinion, social standards and economic need. When factoring in the demand, or necessity for specific types of labor, and combining it with the housing market and past reference points in relation to the educational and social economic development, there will always be differentials.


          Relating social concerns to how activities are conducted can be antiquated to a matter of safety, or simply a matter of organization. The factors that are associated with the control measures that keep everyone working will always be changed, or under some form of scrutiny. The new idealism that is associated with a growing population in our own country, is based on the demand for more active individuals involved with the economy itself.

The confounding variable consists of the limit that will be reached when there is a dramatic change in the ability to obtain the necessary income that is needed to survive. What is going to transpire, and what takes place afterwards is something that needs to be considered beforehand. If there are too many immigrants that are moving into a country that does not have adequate housing, then there will be issues with other emotional or social elements that will come into effect. This will also affect one's ability to work, or find sustainable income. Those who have an understanding of this are also using it to their advantage, and charging more than is required to maintain property. Finding out ways to manage all of the variables, is going to take time and effort. But it is also going to be attached to the amount of available space and resources.


Kam, Cindy D. ; Palmer, Carl L.

"Reconsidering the Effects of Education on Political Participation", (2008), published by: Cambridge University Press



Lydia Kapiriri1 & Alison Ross, "The Politics of Disease Epidemics: a Comparative Analysis of the SARS, Zika, and Ebola Outbreaks", (2023) published online



INCLUSION FOR ALL: A Canadian Roadmap to Social Cohesion Insights from Structured Conversations INCLUSION FOR ALL: A Canadian Roadmap to Social Cohesion



Canadian Culture in a Global World, "New Strategies for Culture and Trade Canadian Culture in a Global World", (1999), published by:. The Cultural Industries Sectoral Advisory Group on International Trade




Kiffer G. Card Corresponding author * and Kirk Hepburn, "Social position and economic system justification in Canada: Implications for advancing health equity and social justice from an exploratory study of factors shaping economic system justification", (2022), published by: PMC (PublicMed Central). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9633253/


Stats Canada 
