
"Hamlet" and the "Tell Tale Heart" in Relation to Mental Health


Matthew Warner 


Telling stories helps us share information with others in a way that is palatable, interesting and informative. They can explain situations that may be difficult to understand, or maybe difficult to talk about. There are many different types of stories. Some may be fictional, but they can draw a clear comparison to nonfictional situations. Finding the underlying themes that are woven into a story also provides the reader with a form of respect and understanding for the author themselves. It can also help them remember the story, and the reasons behind it. The story "Hamlet" was written by William Shakespeare in 1601. It is a story that has also been created as a play, as well as several other theatrical productions including radio, television and film. 

Written in the year 1983, the story the towel tale heart by Edgar Allan Poe is part of a series of sorts of stories that are related to similar things. It had a very popular reception, and has also been made into other works, including parody and satire productions.


          From fictional stories to real life events, our mental stability effects how we perceive the world around us and our brains ability to process information.

I will be developing my thesis by highlighting the works and publications from scholarly articles that are written by professionals that work in the psychiatric field. I will explain the different associated forms of mental illnesses that effect the main characters in both stories, and back both of these instances with evidence from the text. Because the story of how much Shakespeare was written in a time period before there were technical definitions for mental health, I will be comparing the main protagonist's behavior with documented forms of psychosis. In relation to “The Tell-Tale Heart”, the evidential proof of the characters mental health will be demonstrated with facts that come from other referenced documents. This will prove my initial thesis (Samuels,  2022).

          Mental stability can play a crucial role in how one views reality. It will affect the actions, emotional state, and what they do to themselves and is around them. It can affect their health, and it can also create mental damage to the environment if not kept in check. Negative mental health attributes can be disguised, and or gestate themselves at random times. 

The Tell Tale Heart is a short story that directly explains several different types of emotional, physical, and psychological elements that clearly explain to the audience that the main protagonist is suffering from some form of mental disturbance. In fact, the first page does directly discuss elements of what a “madman knows”, and how one would or not perceive themselves as such. The emotional state of the main character in The Tell-Tale Heart suggests that the main protagonist was coming to his stress levels and developing various forms of dissociated schizophrenia (Palaniyappan, 2022). 

“It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my brain; but once conceived, it haunted me day and night.”

Edgar Allan Poe, “The Tell Tale Heart”, (1983)

The sounds and voices in his head or just stated by the thoughts and feelings of his own guilty actions. He himself finds the need  to take matters to such extreme unnecessary, causing an innate feeling of guilt. The psychosis manifests itself by the sound of the beating of the old man's heart underneath the floor where he was laid to rest by his assailant. One of the major contributing factors to the onset of mental illness from my psychiatric perspective is that of trauma, from a stressful situation. When you consider Shakespeare's play “Hamlet”, tragedy plays a crucial role in the emotional and psychological attachment to the characters, and then the living situation as a whole. Interestingly enough, the issues of mental instability in the story are not isolated to only one form of psychosis, but have different varying elements associated with each character. For instance, Hamlet’s main problem is not of a psychiatric nature, but psychological or neurological format. One of the pathological elements associated with the Hamlet character in the story is known as major depressive disorder, or MDD.  Hamlet felt responsible for his father's death because he needed to avenge him knowing is murder was his own brother his social responsibility and tried for his family is what the story is built upon. Today our social responsibility or the responsibility to ourselves and others can be placed in and not Amis format via an online basis meaning that it takes away responsibility from actions that we are taking. When considering responsibility in a global format one might consider proper environmental and positive social practices that would sustain our environment and way of life for longer periods of time but this comes with an understanding of the negative aspects attached to  mental development. 

This has an onset that takes place well before the part of the story where the ghost character appears and explains to him the truth behind the death of his father. During his early exchanges with his counterpart, Claudius and Gertrude, there are also other elements that suggest his latent psychotic development. As the story progresses, the anxiety level rises and he feels as if the heart beating sound becomes louder and more in an attempt to silence the sound of the beating heart, multiple objects are placed over top of where the body is buried. Pressure increases as the situation surrounding his guilt becomes more evident. This causes more psychosis to come over the perpetrator.  One of the outside elements that affect the main protagonist in The Tell-Tale Heart are other sounds in the background that make him think that the person he has murdered is actually still alive. In a stressed and anxious state to cover his crimes, he's already in a heightened sense of tension. Anxiety becomes a catalyst towards other cascading negative effects both from my health and physiological standpoint that already stem from his underlined mental disorder.

(Wajih J Alto, 2022).

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