
The Anthropology of Modern Gastronomy

Matthew Warner



1. Definition

2. Modern and Classical Gastronomy

3. Applications

4. The Study of Modern Gastronomy

          a. Post Secondary Educational Training 

5. Theory

6. Conclusion

1. Definition

Gastronomy, or molecular gastronomy: Is the application of food culture, science, style and preparation. Gastronomy is considered a high level culinary skill, practiced and studied by those adept to cooking and food preparation techniques. It involves using scientific calculations to create food based on its physiology. This is also in direct relation to personal tastes, preferences, artistic integrity and the available ingredients. Gastronome meals, (or gastro) can be localized to an establishment that focuses on that type of cooking such as; gastropubs and gastronomic restaurants. Chefs, students and artists who are versed in gastronomy, are called “gastronomes”. A “gastronome”, or “gastronomist” is someone who unifies theory with practice, documenting their findings and recording them for future use. Gastronomic food items combine the science behind the chemical composition of food, into palatable creative and unconventional meal ideas. Having an understanding of food and what menu items are, will help consumers make meal choices they understand and will enjoy eating.  Practical gastronomy is supported by theory and studies conducted in the form of food experiments based on current knowledge. Theory goes into practice then cascades into art, next is the technical aspects of food composition. This breaks down gastronomy into a science.

2. Modern and Classical Gastronomy  

The term “gastronomy” first appears in a poem by Joseph Berchoux during the year 1801 called, “Gastronomie”. Gastronomy has been referred to as a set of rules for eating and drinking, an “art” of the table (noted by Pascal Ory).  Gastronomy and gastronomic studies involve the natural process of discovering, tasting and learning about food. It takes into account the sensory reactions or brains go through when perceiving and digesting food and meal items, (“you eat with your eyes”). Gastronomists record the reactions of food ingredients that have favorable results for human pallets and nutrition. Originally, gastronomists would study the food culture of bordering and neighboring countries or regions, borrowing ideas, techniques, tools and methods to combine unique specialized meal items. Preservation methods as well as crop and livestock maintenance techniques were also incorporated. Today, gastronomists can learn from and implement from many cultures past and present. Our current globalized economy and technological advances,(both digital and physical) allow almost limitless applications of food science and ideas for future gastronomic refinement. 

3. Applications

Gastronomy has been utilized and refined since its initial creation. Gastronomic restaurants and gastro pubs use modern and customized techniques to create gastronomy menus. Based on rudimentary culinary knowledge, it is usually necessary for the patron to understand the menu items in a gastronomic restaurant. Since gastronomy involves the creation of unique food items, the classical elements are not always as important as it would be to other meal or menu items, not including practiced techniques or notable gastro styles of the chef or gastronome of that particular establishment.  Fruit caviar, passion crab foams, molten chocolate spheres are just some of the creations gastronomists have discovered while in pursuit of their new ideas.

4. The Study of Modern Gastronomy

The study of gastronomy is part of most accredited college or university culinary programs. Understanding the composition of food and how they react to cooking methods is imperative to creating palatable menu items and food preparation in general. The schools that teach others cooking and culinary techniques may have different approaches and ideas behind what, why and how they pass on skills and techniques. The teachers skill set, available budget and the desired student outcome plays a part in how programs are organized and priced. 


          a. Post Secondary Education

Nait Culinary Program:

“Students in NAIT's renowned Culinary Arts program are introduced to the fundamental skills of cooking with an emphasis on safe food handling, sanitation and nutrition. These skills are enhanced by hands-on participation in advanced cooking practices including contemporary hot and cold presentation, pastry art and international cuisine.”


Algonquin College 

“If you enjoy cooking or have worked in the Food Service Industry, Algonquin College’s Culinary Skills program will be a positive step in a long lasting professional and rewarding career. Culinary Arts is a growing industry, alive with action, excitement, and people. The food industry is a leader in creating new jobs, generating more revenue, paying out more salaries, and offering great opportunities!”


Canadian Food and Wine Institute

“Located at Niagara College’s breathtaking Niagara-on-the-Lake Campus, nestled in the heart of Niagara’s rich wine and culinary country, the Canadian Food and Wine Institute (CFWI) provides students with valuable hands-on experience and academics in all aspects of food, food innovation, wine and beer.”


          Like most trades culinary skills are taught through both institutional oriented education, and hands-on apprentice training with an accredited practitioner.  A culinary student will go through many tests and ordeals prior to graduation from any culinary based program or institution. Part of their training will involve the study of, makeup and composition of food ingredients. Gastronomy may be included in higher end culinary school as well as basic courses. The idea and understanding of what gastronomy is, is more important than memorizing facts, dates and recipes. A strong chef will understand and utilize ingredients to their greatest potential while maintaining budget and customer satisfaction. 

5. Theory 

          Students studying gastronomy will ultimately understand the most feasible ways to combine ingredients into menu items that are profitable and enjoyed by patrons. Understanding culinary techniques and methods allows a chef to cross utilizes ingredients and customize dishes. Knowing what and why ingredients are used and added will allow the chef to create new dishes and replace items that are seasonally unavailable. The same idea can be seen in gastronomy. The chef or cooks understanding allows them to create. Learning gastronomy is essential to creating menu items and creating your own unique dishes. A culinary student thinking about gastronomy has many options of places they may find employment or apprenticeships upon graduation. With a culinary diploma and an understanding of gastronomy and molecular gastronomy, an aspiring chef has many options of where to employ themselves. Here are a few places a gastronome; aspiring and practicing may find employment:

-Self Employment

-Gastro Pub

-Molecular Gastronomy Restaurant


-Nutritionist/Health Science

6. Conclusion 

          Learning about food composition and chemical reactions paves the way to more creative dishes to be enjoyed. Because of its health benefits, gastronomy is important to maximize human nutritional intake.  Recording information and teaching techniques will help preserve gastronomic skills and ideas. As we advance as a whole, there will be more available tools and ingredients allowing for more creativity. 


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