Matthew Warner
Published by: Psytext

Those of us who are familiar with the android platform used for phones and other smart devices may have noticed some changes Google has made to their available software. Over the last 7 years, the Google play market has removed many of the higher quality, advanced applications from their servers. Removing applications is a regular practice and can be for many reasons, lack of interest from consumers, changes in legislation, company policies, or maybe the availability to interface with multiple devices. In 2013, Google also removed all the data sizes of all the applications they provide, making it impossible to know how big the file is until you have decided to download or purchase that particular app and begin the installation processes. This makes the user think less about how much available space is left on their device. In doing this, the application size has also increased greatly, as time progresses the size will inevitably grow. In 2011 a high quality “console” style game would be anywhere from 400mb-900mb.
Now, in 2023 the same style and type of game with similar or of even lower quality will cost your device over 1.5gb of data plus, some applications and games even making it past 2.1gb! Why change the necessary allocated file size of device software? What else has changed recently as a coherent trait to most new and expensive smart devices? The ability to add expandable memory like micro SD or SD cards is beginning to diminish. Is the cost of new devices with the demand for fashionable accessories affecting the size and quality of new applications? Are other industries being affected by the power and availability of android technology? Is the video game industry suffering some type of recoil from the power of the inexpensive android platform? This scales technology backwards instead of progressing to new ideas. Are we not ready to accept the power of our devices?
If you look at one application that was created by google themself and has less of a chance for removal, google docs. That being said the application will gather exponential cache and system data regularly and very quickly, almost defeating the purpose of its 80.q mb size. Google docs. is free word processing software. Microsoft Office can cost $120 -$200 (depending on the edition you decide to purchase). A subscription to Office 365 is around $100 a year. Microsoft Office offers many creative and innovative tools and formats to help users develop their vision. While Microsoft Office has plenty of extra features besides just word processing then Google docs, the fact is that most of the important features you really need like spell checking, formatting and fonts are available free. This gives your devices more value and usability. Are free applications usurping older technology/software In order to maintain relations with other organizations? Google has removed the APK data of most of the high quality games and applications rendering them useless even if previously installed. Here are a few examples.
Soul Calibur
Dead Space
Music Search and Download
Voice and Number Changer
This means you may be able to find a way to install old files and programs, even get it to run on older devices. But using this program may prove difficult, it may start and run some preliminary tasks but will not properly update or function entirely. The type of applications available are also becoming redundant. If you search for a popular type of app, you will have to sort through each program to find one that has unique features. Apps like photo editors have several varieties, but are very similar or identical in technical interface. Why allow so many of the same type of application? The ability our devices have can be hidden to those who follow the standard ideas and tools provided to them by the company. Those who have had experience with the android platform, may notice the change and look for ways around them. Using other mobile app markets, emulators, or simply changing the way phones and smart devices are perceived as a whole.
Now, you can find many different very simple programs that to anyone who is used to using the more defined and involved systems rudimentary. Basic games and puzzles are rising at a rapid rate, and these programs are using large amounts of data that may not necessarily be required. All the while, the companies are absorbing large amounts of information, data and statistics from its users. The interface between user and technology has become much more choppy than it used to. This is because of how many times you have to watch different promotions, advertisements or themes that need to be integrated into the company's marketing platform. Slowing down the user, also forces them to refocus on what they're doing. Forgetting other things that may be important, and placing more mental attention into the task at hand. Users may find that they are forgetting other things, including what they set out to do during the initial loading process.
It is becoming easier and easier for smaller companies, private organizations, individuals and entrepreneurs to create their own applications. There is also an
almost unlimited amount of space available on various marketing platforms to publish these programs on. Free software is one one the most important parts of the integration of the mobile device
software platform. This form of methodology serves multiple purposes. The first one is to gain control of one's focus. The second is the ability to learn from other companies and their
success rate, and maximize on programs that will be profitable. The third reason is to take up as much space and your device as possible, limiting your ability to interact with the competitors.
Using these methods gives the designers to build these programs more access to your attention.
Free Technology
Nothing in life truly comes for free. This includes the free applications and programs that come with your standard smart advice. In return for providing you, the consumer, with an almost unlimited supply of free software you are sacrificing your ability to truly enjoy and understand what the device is capable of.

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